Enneagram Tritype Descriptions: Type One

This is a list of descriptions for all the Enneagram Tritypes of type One: it explores the flavours that each tritype configuration can bring to this type. Therefore they are by no means complete depictions of type One and must be viewed as additions and orientations of the main characteristics of the leading type (which will remain fundamental).

If you are a type One and have decided on your tritype as well, feel free to leave a comment on how you experience it and how well the specific description fits you. There is always room for improvement.

1-2-5 : these Ones are kind, helpful and altruistic, but also a bit more introverted and reserved. They usually give to others without asking very much in return, mainly because they dislike receiving something from other people. They can have a vague push-pull dynamic to them: they can be very generous and involved with people, but they will as well demand time alone to rebuild their energy and sort out their thoughts. They often have a wise appearance and enjoy learning and teaching things to others.
typical subtypes: self-preserving, social, 1w2
similar tritypes: 1-5-2, 2-1-5
flavours: dutiful, altruistic, considerate and wise

1-2-6 : a devoted, friendly, affiliative and altruistic One, very dedicated and conscientious but also more controlling and possessive of others. Seek people’s company and want to help them but sometimes tend to become a little manipulative and demanding, expecting appreciation and loyalty in return for their efforts. They are affectionate, caring and reliable friends and partners, but at times they can struggle with anxiety and start worrying about things going wrong.
usual subtypes: social, 1w2
similar tritypes: 1-6-2, 2-1-6, 6-1-2
flavours: helpful, devoted, giving and demanding

1-2-7 : this is usually a very friendly One: fairly generous, caring, optimistic and also a bit playful when having a good day. Prefers being around people and is afraid of being lonely and unloved. This tritype is more compassionate, tolerant and understanding and has a desire to help other people and make their lives happier, therefore they have many friends. They enjoy a good laugh and occasionally a bit of variety as well.
usual subtypes: social, sexual, 1w2
similar tritypes: 1-7-2, 2-1-7
flavours: friendly, sociable, kind and approachable

1-3-5 : a rather ambitious, elitist and goal-oriented One, very hard-working and somewhat intellectually arrogant. They rarely show their feelings and therefore they usually seem cold and very self-assured. These Ones are generally well-read, well-mannered and quite intellectually refined: they like to impress others with their intelligence, wisdom and irreproachable work.
usual subtypes: social, self-preserving, 1w9
similar tritypes: 1-5-3, 3-1-5, 5-1-3
flavours: competent, intellectual, ambitious and refined

1-3-6 : this One is usually very hard-working and well-organized. Dutiful and diligent, they also keep an eye on their own interests and like to receive prizes and praise and boost their reputation among their peers. They prefer a leading role and can be excellent managers and leaders: they can get things done as they’re efficient, more pragmatic and also more cautious and calculated. They can sometimes suffer from a bit of paranoia, and worry about their status, finances or health.
usual subtypes: social, 1w9
similar tritypes: 3-1-6, 1-6-3
flavours: hard-working, pragmatic, efficient and cautious

1-3-7 : a more socially-adaptable, goal-oriented and competitive One, that usually has many friends and connections. Usually extroverted, assertive people, they make natural leaders although they can be a little too narcissistic and self-important. They’re good motivators and can come up with visionary ideas which they have the required determination and self-discipline to put in practice. They normally have a handy social network and can be quite entertaining and charismatic when needed.
usual subtypes: social, 1w2, 1w9
similar tritypes: 3-1-7, 1-7-3
flavours: assertive, ambitious, attractive and ingenious

1-4-5 : a rather introverted and withdrawn One, more creative, original and abstract than most. Prefers the realm of imagination and has very high ideals and standards, especially in what concerns romantic relationships. They’re harder to get to know because they can be very reserved, moody and somewhat picky. They have artistic inclinations and can be quite whimsical and creative. Tend to feel overwhelmed by the real world and hide in their own perfect worlds of fantasy. Prone to bouts of existential depression.
usual subtypes: self-preserving, sexual, 1w9
similar tritypes: 1-5-4, 4-1-5
flavours: solitary, melancholic, critical and whimsical

1-4-6 : these Ones are quite imaginative, creative and a bit melancholic. They are extreme perfectionists and can easily feel discouraged and let down by the imperfect world around. They don’t easily trust others and tend to avoid society, but at the same time they crave being loved and belonging. They also have a bit of a temper so their anger can show especially when feeling misunderstood. They tend to support the underdog and they can have a passionate, belligerent streak to them.
usual subtypes: sexual, social, 1w2
similar tritypes: 1-6-4, 4-1-6
flavours: imaginative, passionate, suspicious and sensitive

1-4-7 : perfectionistic, whimsical and rather picky, these Ones tend to be quite expressive and passionate. They want things to be a certain way and tend to reject whatever doesn’t precisely fit their desires. However when they appreciate something (an idea, a person, an activity), this tritype can over-indulge in it in an excessive, obsessional manner. They’re not as self-disciplined as other Ones and they’re prone to giving in to their fantasies and desires more, believing they are somewhat special and deserve special treatment.
usual subtypes: sexual, self-preserving, 1w2
similar tritypes: 1-7-4, 4-1-7
flavours: fastidious, expressive, impatient and original

1-5-2 : this is an introverted, intellectual and rather altruistic One, who desires to invest their efforts in building a better world for all. Although they’re reserved and somewhat hard to get to know, they prefer to work for selfless, humanitarian purposes and they are excellent teachers with lots of patience, knowledge and a wise kindness to them. The world of academia fits them well as they are erudite, idealistic and they like people.
usual subtypes: social, self-preserving, 1w9, 1w2
similar tritypes: 5-1-2, 1-2-5
flavours: wise, knowledgeable, scholarly and kind

1-5-3 : usually introverted and elitist, prefer the scientific approach in nearly everything they do. These Ones appear colder and very self-certain but can be rather sensitive and fearful on the inside. Are afraid of failure and not meeting the expectations of others, mainly because they think they do not have enough resources for all their projects. They are hard-working, thorough and very meticulous and their work is usually impeccable. These Ones are particularly intellectual, knowledgeable and objective.
usual subtypes: self-preserving, social 1w9
similar tritypes: 1-3-5, 5-1-3, 3-1-5
flavours: cerebral, scientific, meticulous and objective

1-5-4 : a reserved, cerebral and fairly intuitive One, who has a preference for the realm of the thought and the abstract. They can be very theoretical and philosophical and like to be alone and ponder things for a long time. They have a developed imagination and a deep insight into the nature of things and people. Mainly isolationists, they have a tendency towards spareness and austerity and are generally economical and even avaritious. At times experience gloomy moods which they strangely enjoy.
usual subtypes: self-preserving, 1w9
similar tritypes: 1-4-5, 5-1-4
flavours: theoretical, philosophical, hoarding and insightful

1-6-2 : responsible, dutiful and devoted friends, these Ones are more affiliative and empathetic than others. Friendship and mutually-supportive relationships are important to them and so are trust, loyalty and integrity. They can be more rigid and rule-bound because of their insecurities: they are slow to change their old beliefs even when they’re proven wrong, and they’re usually steadfast and honest people. They’re somewhat suspicious and skeptical, but once they trust someone they are capable of great generosity.
usual subtypes: social, self-preserving, 1w2
similar tritypes: 1-2-6, 6-1-2, 2-1-6
flavours: responsible, loyal, honest and traditionalist

1-6-3 : conscientious, responsible, cautious and efficient, these Ones are very practical and productive. They’re down-to-earth, realistic and typically good managers of people and resources. They’re also quite good at predicting and avoiding possible pit-falls and are talented trouble-shooters: they’re preventive and like to play it safe. Want their hard-work and thoroughness praised and (financially) rewarded, and sometimes they might act arrogantly and engage in self-praising when they feel unappreciated.
usual subtypes: social, self-preserving, 1w2
similar tritypes: 1-3-6, 6-1-3
flavours: efficient, practical, cautious and hard-working

1-6-4 : very dutiful and faithful but also prone to angry reactions and, rarely, depression bouts in isolation. This is a more anxious One that finds it harder to hide his anger and his concern with the loyalty and reliability of those around. Can experience strong like/dislike feelings about people and situations and is more suspicious and prejudiced towards newcomers and different groups. They are typically traditionalists, but will at times go against tradition in a rather rebellious way, especially when insecure.
typical subtypes: sexual, social 1w2
similar tritypes: 6-1-4, 1-4-6
flavours: faithful, anxious, discriminating and sometimes defiant

1-7-2 : this is usually a healthier One: generous, open, friendly, and willing to kick back and have fun more often. Avoid loneliness and try to keep a busy schedule, with lots of projects and things to do – they usually also bring most of them to completion. This tritype is more tolerant and accepting of change and differences: they enjoy trying something new every once in a while. They are more flexible and outgoing, more playful and optimistic than other Ones.
typical subtypes: sexual, social, 1w2
similar tritypes: 1-2-7, 2-1-7
flavours: friendly, generous, optimistic and humorous

1-7-3 : these Ones are quite charming and socially adept. They are more flexible and open-minded and seek having a good time and knowing the right people. They are more selfish and less rule-bound: they have a tendency to only consider the rules that suit their goals and interests. This tritype can become a bit boastful and arrogant at times. They like having a larger group of friends that cherish them and follow their ideals.
typical subtypes: social, 1w2
similar tritypes: 1-3-7, 3-1-7
flavours: sociable, resourceful, engaging and self-confident

1-7-4 : more eccentric, versatile and unconventional. This tritype characterizes some of the more energetic and self-indulgent of Ones. They are somewhat more enthusiastic and dramatic, and have some difficulty finding and keeping a balance: they’re occasionally rather scattered. They can become obsessional and manic about certain ideas and things, while being surprisingly careless in other areas. When stressed out, they can get quite moody.
typical subtypes: sexual, social, 1w2
similar tritypes: 1-4-7, 7-1-4
flavours: expressive, eccentric, energetic and selfish

Also read the Tritype descriptions for:
Type Two | Type Three | Type Four | Type Five | Type Six | Type Seven | Type Eight | Type Nine



Anonymous said…
Trying to describe the tritypes and be real-world accurate about it is a major task you've set yourself.

Here's a question for people who see type 6 in their tritype: Do you notice tendencies to phobic or counterphobic behavior?
INTP said…
You're right, it's quite a challenge to describe 162 tritypes and also describe them well.

The split between phobic and counterphobic Sixes is a tricky one. I have a theory that perhaps the other types in the tritype can influence the Six towards one or the other.

For example a 6-3-9 tritype seems more likely to be phobic than a 6-8-4, but I doubt this can ever be turned into a rule (maybe a correlation at most).

I've tried (and will try) to focus on the Six traits that have less to do with this preference - loyalty, worry, affiliation and reactivity will be there, with phobics and counterphobics as well.

However, the question is a good one. I hope more people will answer it.
Katie said…
I was researching tritypes and found this... what an undertaking, wow. I haven't seen anything else like it.

I'll be eagerly waiting for your Type 5 post, from a fellow INTx 5w4.
Unknown said…
I am also eagerly awaiting your type 5 tritype analysis! Can you skip to the 5s? :)
INTP said…
Actually, I'm really considering publishing the 5 tritypes first. I'll try to do it next week.
Anonymous said…
I am a 4..and DYING to know the tritypes!!!!Please please do it..cant wait...this is excellent info!!!
EcoMama said…
I would love to see a description of 6s, 7s and 9s!
Anonymous said…
These descriptions are great. I look forward to reading more, especially those for Type 8 and Type 2!
Paulo said…
Hi! I'm looking for a good book about tritype descriptions! What would you recommend? Tritypes descriptions are an incredibly interesting material to study and to read about! Thank you for posting it on the internet! If you would like to kindly send me a list of books about tritype descriptions please email me at circle.of.spears@gmail.com

Thank you!
Rachel R. said…
I'm a 1-5-3, and I'd say your description is fairly apt. I'm not sure it describes me perfectly (I don't know that "elitist" is a term I'd use to describe myself), but it's pretty darn close.

And I wouldn't expect any description here to necessarily fit everyone within a group perfectly, as we all have other factors providing influence and balancing certain dominant traits.
Anonymous said…
I noticed Type 5 was the only link for other tri-types. My friend and I were joking the other day that only a 5 could delve into a task such at describing tri-types and varients (or sub-types).
Unknown said…
Do 7's! Pleeeeease! You're really good at this!:)
Unknown said…
Please keep going on, I need this in my life :)

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