Today I've been quite busy - I've went through the Internet archives at WayBackMachine and managed to find the original Duniho Enneagram test (which has been offline for quite some time now). It didn't compute the results anymore so I had to take a look at the source code and do a bit of re-programming.
It now works, and you can take it here for free. Enjoy!
I got 5 with balanced wings, which is the same result I obtained with the full RHETI instrument (which is paid).
This is a highly accurate test, given its few questions.
It works by sorting your preferences in four Enneagram groups: Hornevian groups, Intelligence triads, Coping styles and Hierarchical styles and draws the result from intersecting them. This is quite different from other tests and I as far as I can tell, it's very effective: quick and accurate.
I came out as 9w8, which is accurate (8 scores slightly higher than 1, which is also accurate). Interesting test.
Anonymous said…
I thought it was interesting, maybe you have an idea...
From reading about the types, I find that I identify most with 5, and I've had others who are more familiar with this type me as 5w6. On this I scored as a 6 with balanced wings...I think I may be dominant social, however, as I'm not a "solitary" person, so maybe this had something to do with my score.
What are some characteristics of a social 5 as compared to other types?
Usually social Fives are more concerned with their social status and what they contribute to their world. They also like to belong to competent groups and even secret, elitist societies. What really appeals to them is the rare knowledge that can only be gained by the few who have access to such organizations.
They are however just as secretive and reserved as the other instinctual variants. They like their privacy and solitude just like the rest. Probably the most open and friendly of them is the sexual Five (the sx/so).
In any case, not all Fives are isolated hermits - some of them have normal social lives and even a group of good friends. But they will still hesitate to reveal too much of themselves to anyone and will still very much enjoy their required extended alone time.
Anonymous said…
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Anonymous said…
This was my test result: "Your main type is probably 7
Considering the wings, you should be a 7 with balanced wings"
How did you get ahold of the source code with the Wayback Machine? I thought it didn't reveal PHP code. Anyway, you are using my test without my permission. Also, it is not designed to tell what someone's wing is, and you are providing results without the qualifiers and caveats I wrote. Please take it down.
Mr. Duniho, I understand your concern and I will not keep your test on my blog if you do not wish me to.
But before taking it down, I want to know if there is any way we could work this out without having to delete the test. Perhaps linking to your blog or website or otherwise providing the qualifiers that you mentioned, or maybe both?
Your Enneagram test is one of the best that have ever been online for free, and the fact that it is no longer available anywhere is such a pity and a loss.
I hope we can come to an agreement and I'm waiting for your reply.
Von Hase said…
I've taken several different Enneagram quizzes online. I have gotten quite varied results... 1, 2, 4, 8, etc. so I don't hold a lot of stock in the accuracy many of those quizzes.
This quiz types me as an 8w9, and from what I've read about the description of the various types I've scored as, it's the closest.
Looks like this quiz is accurate, for me at least. I like the approach.
Christy said…
I'm so glad you made a new test. This one typed me so far off in primary type that it was absolutely hilarious. It said I was a 7w6, which is probably my least-likely type. I presume it's because I answered some questions with quite an optimistic attitude. To be fair, it did say my next three were 5, 4, and 9, which is accurate.
This is without any doubt the worst Enneagram test I have ever taken. I have taken a lot of tests, and I have never finished so low on 5, 7, or 9 or score type 1 as my highest type.
Anonymous said…
4w5, exactly as identified previously even though I didn't realise what an Enneagram was until the result lol
Just now did this test, for grins, not insight, 'cos over many, many years of testing, reflection and self-analysis I'm solidly affirmed in my type – with which my score-distribution [here: ] fully accords. Its final typing of me as a 5w4 is accurate. Friendly, reliable test!
This is a new free Enneagram test I have developed. It has 171 items and it will take you about 20 minutes to complete. The accuracy of the final version of the test is rather high, considering the data so far. The sample consisted of 198 people that had previously decided on their Enneagram type (of course, all 9 Enneatypes were represented in the sample). T he highest score indicated the correct type in 82,6% of the cases . The main type was among the first two highest scores in 95,6% of the cases, and among the first three in 97,2% of the cases. I will make updates of the test's accuracy as I gather more data, but I don't expect radical changes to the figures. Part I: Selection Check all the traits that you think apply to you: Pragmatic Aesthetic Detached Clumsy Spontaneous Powerful Indulgent Nit-picking Sentimental Self-promoting Capricious Reserved Alert Joker Vigorous Patient Principled Demonstrative Go-getter Dramatic Receptive Ingenious Rigorous Warm-hearted E...
This is a list of descriptions for all the Enneagram Tritypes of type Five: it explores the flavours that each tritype configuration can bring to this type. Therefore they are by no means complete depictions of type Five and must be viewed as additions and orientations of the main characteristics of the leading type (which will remain fundamental). If you are a type Five and have decided on your tritype as well, feel free to leave a comment on how you experience it and how well the specific description fits you. There is always room for improvement. 5-2-1 : these Fives enjoy using their knowledge and expertise in the benefit of others and are typically attracted to humanitarian causes. They are more altruistic and generous than other Fives and also more social, involved and controlling. They want to help other people and usually do it by teaching them how to help themselves – they can make good teachers. However they have some trouble with acknowledging their own problems...
I got a similar result at
Wing 4w5 - 12.5
Wing 9w8 - 12
Wing 5w4 - 11.5
Wing 9w1 - 10.5
I'm surprised I test so high on 9w8 as it's not a subtype I identify with much. (I see more of myself in the 9w1 descriptions.)
I guess my 5 connection to point 8 is influencing the result.
Thanks for rescuing this!
I got 5 with balanced wings, which is the same result I obtained with the full RHETI instrument (which is paid).
This is a highly accurate test, given its few questions.
It works by sorting your preferences in four Enneagram groups: Hornevian groups, Intelligence triads, Coping styles and Hierarchical styles and draws the result from intersecting them. This is quite different from other tests and I as far as I can tell, it's very effective: quick and accurate.
From reading about the types, I find that I identify most with 5, and I've had others who are more familiar with this type me as 5w6. On this I scored as a 6 with balanced wings...I think I may be dominant social, however, as I'm not a "solitary" person, so maybe this had something to do with my score.
What are some characteristics of a social 5 as compared to other types?
They are however just as secretive and reserved as the other instinctual variants. They like their privacy and solitude just like the rest. Probably the most open and friendly of them is the sexual Five (the sx/so).
In any case, not all Fives are isolated hermits - some of them have normal social lives and even a group of good friends. But they will still hesitate to reveal too much of themselves to anyone and will still very much enjoy their required extended alone time.
"Your main type is probably 7
Considering the wings, you should be a 7 with balanced wings"
I looked it up on wiki and wow was it accurate!!
But before taking it down, I want to know if there is any way we could work this out without having to delete the test. Perhaps linking to your blog or website or otherwise providing the qualifiers that you mentioned, or maybe both?
Your Enneagram test is one of the best that have ever been online for free, and the fact that it is no longer available anywhere is such a pity and a loss.
I hope we can come to an agreement and I'm waiting for your reply.
This quiz types me as an 8w9, and from what I've read about the description of the various types I've scored as, it's the closest.
Looks like this quiz is accurate, for me at least. I like the approach.
I took two fo your tests and got 4w5 twice and I feel it is accurate as I got the same result twice!
Got 5w6.
I recognize 99% with tritype 5-8-4, though.