Jung Test - Type Evaluator

This is a Jungian types test developed by Lenore Thomson and Aryeh Maidenbaum. Jungian types are similar in theory to the Myers Briggs types.

Note that the Myers-Briggs® type can only be achieved by taking the authentic Myers-Briggs Instrument®.

Just like with the previous Enneagram test, grab a piece of paper and note down your answers to each question. The scoring instructions are at the end of the page.

I hope it will prove as accurate for you as it was for me.

The Jung Test

1. When you meet new people do you:

A. Talk as much as you listen
B. Listen more than you talk

2. Which statement characterizes your general approach to life?

A. Just do it
B. Check out the alternatives

3. Which do you like more about yourself:

A. Your cool-headed, logical approach
B. Your warm, understanding approach

4. Which are you better at:

A. Shifting gears when necessary
B. Focusing on one task until it's done

5. Do you prefer a social life that includes:

A. Many friends and acquaintances
B. A few people that you feel close to

6. When you're trying to understand something, do you:

A. Press for specifics
B. Get an overall picture and fill in the details later

7. Which is more interesting to you:

A. Knowing how people think
B. Knowing how people feel

8. What kind of job do you like better:

A. One that allows you to react quickly and improvise
B. One that allows you to determine goals and take steps to meet them

9. If a heavy snowfall keeps you from going to school or work, do you:

A. Wonder what you're missing
B. Enjoy the unexpected time alone

Which statement are you more likely to make:

A. I'm interested in people's experience - what they do, who they know
B. I'm interested in people's plans and dreams - where they're going, what they envision

A. I'm good at making a plan that will work
B. I'm good at getting others to agree with the plan and cooperate in the effort

A. I may try something impulsively, just to see what happens
B. I want to know what's likely to happen before I try something

A. I usually think on my feet, as I'm talking
B. I usually reflect on what I'm going to say before I say it

A. I'm almost always aware of how things look
B. I may not notice much about how things look - at least not right away

A. I tend to be an analytical sort, maybe a little skeptical
B. I'm interested in people and care about what happens to them

A. I like to leave room for new options, even after plans have been made
B. Once plans have been made, I want to be able to count on them

A. People who know me are generally aware of what's important to me
B. I don't talk about what's important to me unless I feel close to someone

A. If I enjoy a particular activity I'll engage in it frequently enough to do it well
B. Once an activity is familiar to me, I want to change it or try something new

A. When I'm making a decision, I weigh the pros and cons of my choices
B. When I'm making a decision, I'm interested in what others have done in similar situations

A. I like to learn from experience, so I often have my own way of doing things
B. I generally learn by following instructions and adapting them to my needs

A. I get restless when I'm alone too long
B. I get restless when I don't have enough time to myself

A. I'm not much interested in ideas without some practical application
B. I like ideas for their own sake and enjoy playing with them in my imagination

A. When I negotiate, I depend on my knowledge and tactical skills
B. When I negotiate, I establish common ground with the other person

A. I need a break now and then when I'm working on something
B. I would rather not be interrupted when I'm working on something

A. When I'm having a good time with others, I get energized and I keep on going
B. When I'm having a good time with others, my energy runs out and I need space

A. My physical surroundings are important to me and affect how I feel
B. Atmosphere isn't all that important to me if I like what I'm doing

A. People can count on me to be fair and to treat them with respect
B. People can count on me to be there when they need me

When you're on vacation, are you more likely to:

A. Take things as they come, doing whatever you feel like at the moment
B. Work out a tentative schedule of what you want to do

A. Spend time doing things with others
B. Take time to read or walk or daydream alone

A. Return to a vacation spot you love
B. Go someplace you've never been before

A. Take a work- or school-related project with you
B. Renew relationships that are important to you

A. Forget about everyday routines and concentrate on having fun
B. Think about things you need to prepare for when the vacation is over

A. See famous landmarks
B. Spend time in museums and quieter places

A. Have a good meal at a restaurant you really enjoy
B. Explore new cuisines

Which word best describes the way you see yourself:

35. A. Levelheaded B. Idealistic
36. A. Spontaneous B. Systematic
37. A. Open  B. Reflective
38. A. Factual B. Conceptual
39. A. Knowledgeable  B. Understanding
40. A. Adaptable  B. Organized
41. A. Expansive B. Intense
42. A. Down-to-earth B. Imaginative
43. A. Questioning  B. Questing
44. A. Enthusiastic B. Deliberate
45. A. Well-rounded B. Deep
46. A. Seasoned B. Spirited
47. A. Just B. Merciful
48. A. Open-ended B. Goal-oriented
49. A. Straightforward B. Reserved
50. A. Realistic B. Visionary
51. A. Impartial B. Sensitive

Would you rather:

A. Put off unpleasant chores until you're in the right mood
B. Get unpleasant chores out of the way, so they're off your mind

A. Be admired for your work, even though you're not satisfied with it yourself
B. Create something of lasting worth, but remain unknown

A. Have extensive experience in an area that pleases you
B. Have many options to choose from

Which slogan better captures your point of view:

A. People are apt to mistake the strength of their feeling for the strength of their argument
B. Logic is the art of going wrong with confidence

A. He who hesitates is lost
B. Look before you leap

Scoring & Results

Add up one point for each of your answers, in the right category. The one with more points is your preference within each scale.

If the scores are tied, you are perhaps still defining (or redefining) an aspect of your personality. You should give yourself more time (a few months or so) and then try again.

E/I Scale

Extroverted (E): 1A, 5A, 9A, 13A, 17A, 21A, 25A, 29A, 33A, 37A, 41A, 45A, 49A, 53A

Introverted (I): 1B, 5B, 9B, 13B, 17B, 21B, 25B, 29B, 33B, 37B, 41B, 45B, 49B, 53B

S/N Scale

Sensation (S): 2A, 6A, 10A, 14A, 18A, 22A, 26A, 30A, 34A, 38A, 42A, 46A, 50A, 54A

Intuition (N): 2B, 6B, 10B, 14B, 18B, 22B, 26B, 30B, 34B, 38B, 42B, 46B, 50B, 54B

T/F Scale

Thinking (T): 3A, 7A, 11A, 15A, 19A, 23A, 27A, 31A, 35A, 39A, 43A, 47A, 51A, 55A

Feeling (F): 3B, 7B, 11B, 15B, 19B, 23B, 27B, 31B, 35B, 39B, 43B, 47B, 51B, 55B

P/J Scale

Perceiving (P): 4A, 8A, 12A, 16A, 20A, 24A, 28A, 32A, 36A, 40A, 44A, 48A, 52A, 56A

Judging (J): 4B, 8B, 12B, 16B, 20B, 24B, 28B, 32B, 36B, 40B, 44B, 48B, 52B, 56B

Now write your preferences from each scale one after the other - this is your Jungian type.


organicduck said…
very accurate. wish there was an online version. thx.
Anonymous said…
Tied 7-7 on S/N, T/F, and P/J. What do you do with that? lol...
MBTI said…
Your post is so good. i am shariing with you about mbti. http://slsglobalassess.com/myers-briggs-type-indicator.html
Anonymous said…
Totally lost on how to score, isit the most a or b? If I add a point it will all add to 56..
Anonymous said…
Infj almost infp

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