Children's Jungian Types

Ever wonder what your kid's Jungian type is going to be, or whether yourself as a child identified with your current type?

Studies have been carried out that proved the preferences for the final Myers Briggs / Jungian typology are starting to show as early as age 2.

Between 2-4 years old, children are observed to develop their attitudes - the I/E and P/J preferences. Therefore at this age it should be relatively easy to discriminate if children are Introverts or Extroverts, and more, if they are Perceptives or Judicatives.

We can fit them into one of these categories: IP, IJ, EP and EJ.

Between 7-12 years old, the children's main cognitive function develops, and we're able to narrow down the possibilities for the final type to only 2.

Extroverted Intuition types (Ne): the ENPs
(according to Myers Briggs theory, will later become ENTPs or ENFPs)

Extroverted Sensing types (Se) : the ESPs
(according to Myers Briggs theory, will later become ESTPs or ESFPs)

Extroverted Thinking types (Te) : the ETJs
(according to Myers Briggs theory, will later become ENTJs or ESTJs)

Extroverted Feeling types (Fe): the EFJs
(according to Myers Briggs theory, will later become ENFJs or ESFJs)

Introverted Intuition types (Ni): the INJs
(according to Myers Briggs theory, will later become INFJs or INTJs)

Introverted Sensing types (Si) : the ISJs
(according to Myers Briggs theory, will later become ISTJs or ISFJs)

Introverted Thinking types (Ti) : the ITPs
(according to Myers Briggs theory, will later become INTPs or ISTPs)

Introverted Feeling types (Fi): the IFPs
(according to Myers Briggs theory, will later become INFPs or ISFPs)

The Jungian Test for Kids

If your child is between 7-12 years of age, or you can remember what you were like as a kid, you can take the following test to determine the young typology of a person: The Personality Questionnaire for Kids

For more information on children's types and their descriptions, please check out this page:

Apparently the best age for final typing is between 21-30, when the personality has stabilized and the person is less likely to be strongly influenced by their family or their group of friends.


Tiggy said…
I came out as an IFP as a kid. That doesn't surprise me as I'm convinced I was an Introvert until I was about 16 and discovered a place where I could feel comfortable. I can actually remember the moment it happened or revealed itself, which is bizarre. The people I was with wondered what had suddenly got into me because I was being so different. When I look at a list of E and I traits, I have about equal amounts of each. I feel as though ENFP is my outer self and INFP my inner self.
Anonymous said…
I took the Jungian test, and came out as an ESP. I can sense things well, so I thought this was accurate, but I was surprised by the extrovert part. I am fine with being a 'lone wolf' so I thought I was an introvert. I think this is fairly accurate though, because I am very aware by how other people fell, as well as myself.
Anonymous said…
I wonder if we can sometimes determine the dominant function at a young age, especially if we're dealing with an EJ. I would think that a dominant extraverted judging function would be noticeable in a young child.

For example, my daughter turned 2 a few months ago, and I started noticing signs of an F personality last year. I'm an NT, so I know that I'm not projecting or influencing her behavior in that regard.

She's just amazingly empathic. For example, a little girl was crying in the toy store when my daughter and I were Christmas shopping last year. My daughter watched her for a moment, then ran over and gave her a big hug. And before she leaves for preschool in the mornings, she makes sure to tuck her stuffed animals back into bed. (Heads on the pillows, covered to the armpits with her blanket, etc.) ... And this might be mean, but I find it's usually pretty easy to manipulate her into doing something if I act like she's hurting my feelings by not doing it.

Maybe I'm imagining it, but those sure seem like signs of a budding EFJ. (Likely with an S, but I'm selfishly holding out hope for an N so I can bond with her better when she gets older).
Anonymous said…

I have a seven year old sister who I'm guessing might turn out a lot like our mom, so it's great to have some numbers as to when you can properly tell.

I know from personal experience and stories ppl show at least some parts of their personality since they're babies, but there's the environment and experiences, too, and it makes sense that you can't fully tell untill they've been in school for a bit and been confronted with a variety of situations.

Didn't think you'd be able to tell the P vs J thing so early.

I'll probably get mom or some of my other siblings to conform the answers for me again, but if correctly assesed her, this could mean that she'll be an ENP, which I wasn't expected based on her preference for playing outside/ climbing on things over entertaining herself with dolls. Hm. Time will tell. The potential streghts and weaknesses do somewhat sound like her.
She could apparently still become an

Still, mom got lucky. A family member who inherited her blue eyes, likes her cooking and will probably never mind sozializing with her.
Anonymous said…
This is very interesting. Looking back, I think that while I am very strongly introverted now, it didn't develop until around age eight. I think my Feeling trait developed much earlier, however, and I would have spent most of my childhood as an _NFP, before definitively becoming an INFP.

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