Enneagram Misidentifications - Type 5
In this article, I will try to clear up some of the differences between Enneagram Type Five and the rest of the Enneagram types respectively. The comparison tables will be subject to modifications and additions as more information reveals itself. I hope it will be a useful tool for people who have trouble mistyping or aren't sure of their type - I'm one of them too. 5 and 1 Mistyping frequency: sometimes (5w6 and 1s can resemble each other). Five Thought Uncertain Disturbs people Impractical Playful Ingenious Non-judgmental Confuse Withdrawn Detached Imaginative Inductive logic Questions rules Discovery Iconoclast One Action Certain Convinces people Practical Rigid Correct Judgmental Discerning Controlling Involved Realistic Deductive logic Follows rules Perfection Moralist 5 and 2 Mistyping frequency: very rarely (sexual 5s can be mistyped as 2s by others) Five Detached Cold Loners Individualists Analytical Cerebral Intellectualizes Withdraw Afraid of others Cynical Unsocial...