Fictional Types - Sex and the City
I've recently finished watching the whole Sex and the City series and I found it quite enjoyable, not only because of the humour and good story line but also thanks to the main characters that were consistent, intelligently thought-out and allowed for an accurate typing in both the Enneagram and Myers Briggs typologies. However the men in the show are unfortunately exessively similar in their personality types as you will see. Here are the character's types according to my own analysis: Carrie Bradshaw is a 6w7 and also an ENFP. She's very warm, concerned for and loyal to her friends but also a bit jumpy and nervous. There is a palpable anxiety about her - she's always asking questions and fretting about her love life and her social theories. Carrie is also funny in a somewhat self-deprecating way and tends to appear as unsure of herself and clumsy, but also intellectually witty and surpsingly insightful. She's always consulting her friends before she mak...